2015年4月4日 星期六

Cubieboard 自編 Cubieez image

Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
$ sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential git u-boot-tools
$ sudo apt-get install texinfo texlive ccache zlib1g-dev gawk bison flex gettext uuid-dev
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential u-boot-tools uboot-mkimage
$ sudo apt-get install binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf cpp-arm-linux-gnueabihf
$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev
$ sudo apt-get install git wget fakeroot kernel-package zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev
加入 fex2bin bin2fex 工具:
$ git clone https://github.com/cubieboard/sunxi-tools
$ cd sunxi-tools
$ make
$ sudo cp fex2bin bin2fex /usr/bin
$ cd ~
$ mkdir linux-sdk-card
$ cd linux-sdk-card
< Kernel Source >:
$ git clone https://github.com/cubieboard/linux-sdk-kernel-source.git
$ mv linux-sdk-kernel-source linux-sunxi
< Tools >:
$ git clone https://github.com/cubieboard/linux-sdk-card-tools.git
$ mv linux-sdk-card-tools tools
< Products >:
$ git clone https://github.com/cubieboard/linux-sdk-card-products.git
$ mv linux-sdk-card-products products
< Rootfs & U-boot >:
$ git clone https://github.com/cubieboard/linux-sdk-binaries.git
$ mv linux-sdk-binaries binaries
從下方網站下載 Rootfs & U-boot 檔案至剛剛建立的 binaries 資料夾中:
< List >:
u-boot-a20.tar.gz               #Cubieboard a20 u-boot          需解壓縮
u-boot-v10.tar.gz               #Cubieboard a10 u-boot          需解壓縮
cubieez-lxde-20140916.tar.gz    #Cubieboard 1/2 Cubieez-rootfs  不需解壓縮
cubieez-ct-20140916.tar.gz      #Cubietruck Cubieez-rootfs      不需解壓縮
$ cd ~/linux-sdk-card
$ source tools/scripts/envsetup.sh
   0 - cb
   1 - cb2
   2 - ct 
please select a board:0
#由於作者的版子是Cubieboard 1 所以在這邊選擇 0 - cb
   0 - cb-cubieez
   1 - cb-cubieez-cs
   2 - cb-debian-server
please select a system:0
#我們想編譯的 OS 為 Cubieez 所以選擇 0 - cb-cubieez
Creating working dirs
Build sdcard image:
1. tf card boot
(1)cb_build_card_image (compile code to prepare cb_install_tfcard)
(2)cb_install_tfcard  storage_medium dev_label [pack]
     storage_medium:nand tsd tfx2
     dev_label:     sdb sdc sdd ...
     pack:          the parameter mean we will make a img for dd or win32writer
     cmd for example:cb_install_tfcard tsd sdb

2. tsd or nand card boot
(1)cb_build_flash_card_image(compile code to prepare cb_install_flash_card)
(2)cb_install_flash_card storage_medium dev_label [pack]
     (install TF card to flash img to tsd/emmc sdx is your sdcard label pc)
     storage_medium:nand tsd (tfx2 do not need this mode)
     dev_label:     sdb sdc sdd ...
     pack:          the parameter mean we will make a img for dd or win32writer
     cmd for example:cb_install_flash_card tsd sdb
$ cd linux-sunxi/
$ cp ../products/cb/cb-cubieez/kernel_defconfig .config
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- menuconfig
選擇完之後儲存離開 menuconfig ,並且把 .config 丟回去剛剛 cp 過來的地方覆蓋kernel_defconfig,指令如下:
$ cp .config ../products/cb/cb-cubieez/kernel_defconfig
$ make mrproper
$ cd ../
mrproper 是將編譯核心環境重置,不然等等在跑編譯程式會出現 error

開始編譯 image 前先編輯一下編譯的 script 檔:
$ vim tools/scripts/boardenvsetup.sh
cb_build_linux() 還有 cb_build_card_image() 中的 -jX 改成自己的核心數以加快編譯速度

$ pwd
$ cb_build_card_image
Build sdcard image:
1. tf card boot
(1)cb_build_card_image (compile code to prepare cb_install_tfcard)
(2)cb_install_tfcard  storage_medium dev_label [pack]
     storage_medium:nand tsd tfx2
     dev_label:     sdb sdc sdd ...
     pack:          the parameter mean we will make a img for dd or win32writer
     cmd for example:cb_install_tfcard tsd sdb

2. tsd or nand card boot
(1)cb_build_flash_card_image(compile code to prepare cb_install_flash_card)
(2)cb_install_flash_card storage_medium dev_label [pack]
     (install TF card to flash img to tsd/emmc sdx is your sdcard label pc)
     storage_medium:nand tsd (tfx2 do not need this mode)
     dev_label:     sdb sdc sdd ...
     pack:          the parameter mean we will make a img for dd or win32writer
     cmd for example:cb_install_flash_card tsd sdb
在安裝 image 之前,要先把要當作Cubieboard 系統碟的 SD 卡插入電腦,然後 dmesg 確定為 sdx 開始安裝 image 至 SD 卡中,指令如下:
$ cb_install_flash_card nand sdx pack
pack 參數是為了讓它除了安裝進 SD 卡以外,也將 image 的內容 pack 成 .img 檔案,
以便我們要將系統轉移至別張 SD 卡中

